leadership: your manual

Throw the idealised leadership models onto the bonfire.

I’m going to give you the manual on how we humans work.

Which means you:

  • don’t need to buy someone else’s version of perfection.

  • build a leadership approach customised by you for you.

  • learn to exploit your strengths rather than bandage your weaknesses—guilt free.

These programmes will allow leaders to work with the grain of human nature instead of against it. No more splinters.

By the end of the programmes, you’ll know how to create a team where, for once, the whole really is greater than the sum of its parts.

The humans guide to leadership

Let’s get this out of the way up front: a Human’s Guide to Leadership will not transform you into the perfect leader. Perfection is, after all, neither truly attainable nor a guarantee of success. And success is what we’re after.

This one-day workshop focuses on the three core responsibilities of leadership:

  • Selecting worthwhile objectives and strategies

  • Attracting helpful support from talented colleagues

  • Delivering goals that benefit everyone

By the end of the day, you will be able to:

  • Bring clarity and focus to your colleagues regarding the business challenges you face

  • Discover your core motivations and preferred ways of work while effective leading others with different personality types

  • Create a team where, for once, the whole really is greater than the sum of its parts

This one-day programme teaches leaders how to work with the grain of human nature instead of fruitlessly sanding against it. You’ll learn how exploiting your strengths returns better results than bandaging your weaknesses. By the end of the day, you’ll know how to create a team where, for once, the whole really is greater than the sum of its parts.

culture r&D

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” Hardly. The truth is that neither can successfully exist without the other. Organisations may form around a culture, but they will quickly fall apart without a strategic direction to follow.

The Culture R&D® process assists in creating the proper [jargon alert] synergy between culture and strategy. Helping answer important questions like:

  • Will your current culture help your strategy be successful?

  • Does your current strategy make the most of your existing culture?

  • If you’re attempting to shift your culture, are you having any effect?

Culture may be a bit harder to define than a strategy, but it is no less measurable. Nor should it be any less important to boardroom discussions. The Culture R&D process provides robust, quantitative data and powerful, qualitative insight. It allows leaders to both understand their culture, and its role in helping or hindering the company’s strategic direction.

For case studies proving the value of the Culture R&D™ process, please visit the Warehouse.

For more information about the Culture R&D process, please contact us.

To take an online survey designed to offer a taste of the Culture R&D process, as well as some initial insights into your company’s culture, please fill out the accompanying form. Surveys are available in English, French, Italian and Chinese.

problem-solving leadership

Many listicles have been written about the desirable traits and idiosyncratic habits of successful leaders. Which is unfortunate. Because such well-meaning clickbait often gets in the way of helping a leaders succeed at their two primary roles:

  1. Identifying the key problem a team should focus on.

  2. Recruiting the support of others to help solve the chosen problem, lowering the stress put upon each team member in the process.

Through the Problem-Solving Leadership courses, you will learn – via the latest cognitive and anthropological research – how to practically manage the above issues more effectively while helping those on your team become better leaders in their right.


Flying Solo Online


Self-development on a budget. Ideal for entrepreneurs, project managers and anyone afraid of the CFO (we don’t judge).

  • One hour of in-depth video material covering Problem-Solving Leadership

  • Workable and measurable definitions on leadership and creativity

  • Tips on how to be more creative

  • Techniques on how to improve collaboration

  • Guidelines to better leadership of self and others

  • Access to KAI (Kirton Adaption-Innovation) Inventory for measuring your problem solving style

  • Downloadable notes



Guided application of Problem-Solving Leadership with 1-on-1 contact with Dr. Jenkins.



For leaders who want their team to fly high while keeping stress and conflict low.

Up to 8 team members granted access to the core materials from Flying Solo:

  • One hour of in-depth video material covering Problem-Solving Leadership

  • Workable and measurable definitions on leadership and creativity

  • Tips on how to be more creative

  • Techniques on how to improve collaboration

  • Guidelines to better leadership of self and others

  • Access to KAI (Kirton Adaption-Innovation) Inventory for measuring your problem solving style

  • Downloadable notes


  • The team leader starts with a 1-on-1 call with Dr. Jenkins to review the current business and team performance

  • A two-hour Skype (or physical) session with the team to review:

  • Problem-Solving Leadership materials

  • The data for the team and its implications vis-à-vis business strategy

  • Sharing case studies of other high-performing teams

  • Practical steps forward for business and personal improvement

  • A 1-on-1 review with the team leader immediately after the workshopsession to set-up improvement targets

  • A one-hour follow-up meeting in 3 months to review progress