
There’s only one reason to do strategy: To get reassurance about the future.

Most businesses want a strategy which avoids loss, gets more new customers, and keeps existing customers longer—-at ever increasing margins.

But here’s the biggest strategy problem. Most businesses use strategy processes which are nothing but seductive deception. They tempt with a promise of fantasy future. Then reverse engineer to an idealised picture of the current state.

Look away. Don’t be taken in. It’s not life and it’s also bad science. Businesses are complex adaptive systems which have to be monitored by feedback loops, and probed forward with safe-to-fail experiments. In other words they are complex and messy. You can’t dictate the future but you can shape it—like raising talented teenagers.

You need a strategy toolkit which reflects this, and shows you how to exploit the uncertainty that few others see. And the output has to be intriguing and beneficial to your colleagues. The content has to be communicated clearly, simply and persuasively if you want really change the organisation.

If that’s what you want, that’s what you’ll get here.