Many listicles have been written about the desirable traits and idiosyncratic habits of successful leaders. Which is unfortunate. Because such well-meaning clickbait often gets in the way of helping a leaders succeed at their two primary roles:

  1. Identifying the key problem a team should focus on.
  2. Recruiting the support of others to help solve the chosen problem, lowering the stress put upon each team member in the process.

Through the Problem-Solving Leadership courses, you will learn – via the latest cognitive and anthropological research – how to practically manage the above issues more effectively while helping those on your team become better leaders in their right.



Digital Sabbatical: Online Personal Development

Take a break to start a riot in your mind.

No, we’re not talking about talking a non-tobacco-oriented smoke break. The Digital Sabbatical is personal development that actually works. Designed to provide a steady stream (that’s stream, not raging river of spam) of quality content that keeps you focused on success. Which, admittedly, sounds rather vague, so here are just a few of the topics covered:

Practical and tactical ways of having fewer – but more effective – meetings Approaches to leadership based on the latest cognitive research How to make strategic decisions in an increasingly complex world with completely losing your mind Better living through saying no (when you’re pressured to always say yes) The (entertaining) history of strategy The course consists of videos 10-to-15 minutes long that arrive in your inbox every two weeks. Just enough to keep you going without HR wondering what’s going on with your time sheets. (One HR department initially wanted to ban the Digital Sabbatical – until they saw the results, of course).


Self-development on a budget. Ideal for entrepreneurs, project managers and anyone afraid of the CFO (we don’t judge).

One hour of in-depth video material covering Problem-Solving Leadership Workable and measurable definitions on leadership and creativity Tips on how to be more creative Techniques on how to improve collaboration Guidelines to better leadership of self and others Access to KAI (Kirton Adaption-Innovation) Inventory for measuring your problem solving style Downloadable notes

1-1 Coached Application


Tutored application of Problem-Solving Leadership in 1-1 contact with Dr Iwan Jenkins

Included in price

An hours worth of HD video material covering Problem-Solving Leadership Workable and measurable definitions on leadership and creativity Tips on how to be more creative Techniques on how to improve collaboration Guidelines to better leadership of self and others Access to KAI Inventory measuring problem-solving style Downloadable learning points A phone or Skype call to determine desired outcomes in the light of participant’s personal objectives A one hour follow-up call after course completion to coach participant on how to apply theory Sharing of case studies from other executives in global organisations Agreeing objectives on desired performance improvement with shared written record Follow up call in 3 months to assess progress Additionally

2 lots of 1-1 coaching with Dr Iwan Jenkins

High-flying team leader

For leaders who want their team to fly high while keeping stress and conflict low.

Up to 8 team members granted access to the core materials from Flying Solo:

One hour of in-depth video material covering Problem-Solving Leadership Workable and measurable definitions on leadership and creativity Tips on how to be more creative Techniques on how to improve collaboration Guidelines to better leadership of self and others Access to KAI (Kirton Adaption-Innovation) Inventory for measuring your problem solving style Downloadable notes Plus

The team leader starts with a 1-on-1 call with Dr. Jenkins to review the current business and team performance A two-hour Skype (or physical) session with the team to review: Problem-Solving Leadership materials The data for the team and its implications vis-à-vis business strategy Sharing case studies of other high-performing teams Practical steps forward for business and personal improvement A 1-on-1 review with the team leader immediately after the workshopsession to set-up improvement targets A one-hour follow-up meeting in 3 months to review progress

Free? Indeed. The templates, tools and checklists housed here are all yours for the taking. And, hopefully, using. If you don’t see what you need, fill out the form below. Who knows what Dr. Jenkins has tucked away in Aisle Z92.

Most Popular

Pride, Pleasure & Profit

Are you, your team and your customers working together for mutual benefit, or is friction causing stiction in your relationships?

GOSH Strategy Template

If your strategy doesn’t seem cohesive to all involved – but especially your team – your plans will be gosh darned to heck. Fix it with this.

River of Goodness

What dams – both internal and external –are preventing your company’s River of Goodness from developing into gold?


If you enjoy long-format podcasts with labyrinthine discussions of strategic minutiae, well, move along. Riot Point Radio brings you bursts of business wisdom in digestible amounts that require just a bit of attention but not a Brobdingnagian bite out of your schedule—typically 15 minutes or less . 

Play it aloud at the office—your coworkers will be suitably impressed.

Ask and you may receive.

Did you find the River of Goodness great but just not quite what you need? Then tell us the questions (no more than three, please) you’re hoping to answer and we’ll package up some relevant Warehouse items posthaste.

Examples of questions you may want answered:

  • Do I have the right organisational culture for growth?
  • How do I know if I am better and different than the competition in the eyes of my customer?
  • How do I manage a challenging, high-potential employee to ensure I see more of the latter and less of the former?

No spam guarantee: We will never sell your contact information nor fill your inbox with items you didn’t request. Dr. Jenkins may, however email to make sure you did receive the things you actually requested because he is British and, therefore, exceptionally courteous.