How do others see your communication skills? Important or impotent?
A clear, concise communication leading to action Image ©Beau
You’re in the behaviour modification business.
Sounds uncomfortable and vaguely spooky doesn’t it, but think it through.
The sole reason for communication is to get others to commit a physical act.
- “Eat your broccoli”
- “Got to bed early”
- “Place an order”
- “Join our group”
- “Give me information”
And here’s a brutal fact.
How good you are at getting others to take action will dictate your success.
You’re a Persuader.
You don’t communicate to inform—leave that to BBC
You don’t communicate to entertain—leave that to Hollywood.
You communicate to get things done.
And most of us ignore the basics.
As a result, most of our colleagues ignore us.
We are weak and thin-boned persuaders.
Let’s add some muscle to our communication.
Get strong and toned by doing two simples exercises. Do them in this order to avoid injury.
Exercise 1. Write down the physical action you want recipients to do. What is the physical response you are requesting?
Exercise 2. Write down the stimulus, the persuasion, which will encourage the recipients to take the action.
Now pull them together.
“If you want that (stimulus), do this (response)”
Cause and effect.
The banner above is a good example of a cause and effect communication focused on a physical action
If you vehicle is above this height and you want avoid destroying your equipment—go no further.
Next time you’re about to write an email, do your exercises first.
Make your emails bold and beautiful callers-to-action.
1. What physical action do I want my readers to take?
2. Why should they do it? What’s in it for them?
You’re looking buffer already.