You and I are social animals---and this what it means for you in 2020

Choir! Choir! Choir! sings Elvis _Suspicious Minds_ - YouTube-Exposure.jpg

As the mathematicians amongst you know, 2021 marks the beginning of the next decade.

We’re not done with this splintering 10 year stretch just yet.

And you’ve, yes you, have been much on my mind.

There are forces trying to pull you and me apart. Influencers trying to whack hard metal wedges between us.

But we are social animals.  We have to collaborate in order to survive. We have no feathers, claws or shells to save us. My only protection is you. Your only protection is me. So we’d better do our best to get on.

Tosh,” you say.  “Where’s the proof’ you say. “I’m not sure humans want to be “social””

Well I’m not going to throw down the anthropological research on New Years Eve I will provide one very practical piece of proof : communal music.

Singing with one another.

As Welshman (and a Welsh Baptist to boot) I know the power of singing a common song with another human. It pulls together and binds. It builds obligation.

National anthems, hymns, songs, football chants.. All unite.

Here are 3 examples of diverse humans integrating with others humans (all from my fellow Canadians)

Naturally I wish good health and prosperity in 2020, but most all of all I hope you stand and sing with a fellow traveller.

I hope you enjoy being part of the Choir.

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